Saturday 17 October 2009


I am going to post 3 Definitions of Perception of what other sources say with reference, and below the 3 definitions i am going to create my own giving examples.

1.) The Process, the act, or faculty of percieving
2.) An idea or a notion(Sir M. Hale).
3.) Being aware or Concious.

My Definition of Perception:

In my view Perception is something which comes inside of you, another word of Perception can be intution. Basically its what you have predicted on what you have seen or noticed around your surroundings.


An example i can give is that it's been a year since i have passed my driving test. But due to not being able to buy a car, i have an intution (perception) that when i sit in my car (that is when i buy it), i would be rusty to start off with, but to improve the rustiness my intution also tells me that i can practise before i get a car so that i won't cause problems with my rustiness of driving on the road.

Another example i can give is related to sport. I play cricket, so can give my perceptional view on the sport. If there is a particular player who the team depends on and if that very player is in bad form, than its a common perception (intution) the the captain of the team or the selectors to rest the player so the team don't under perform. Below is a video of a successfull captain of the indian cricket team Mahendra Singh Dhoni leading his side. The video below is his press conference to the media shows how confident he is in leading the side and what makes them the No.1 side.

Video Link on perception: I just thought this video would be useful source related to the topic of perception. It talks about the perception in general on gestalt theory.

Useful Websites which talk about Perception

1.) - this website talks about Perception and it reports experimental results and theoretical ideas ranging over the fields of human, animal and machine perception.

2.) - this website talks and concentrates more on visual perception, it also has notes to help students or researchers studying this topic.

Once again please be free to comment or suggest anything related to the topic. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff. You have worked hard to set this up and you'vve obviously cracked hyperlinks. Can you now begin to load images and videos as well as text links. Thought the ESP vid was interesting
