Thursday 15 October 2009

Gautam's First Post

Hi Every one, The ones who have seen my profile must know who i am by now. This is Gautam, and this is my first ever post. In this post i will talk about my experience of my very 1st lecture on the topic of 'Understanding The Customer'. The bad news is, some people may find it funny, but i was unable to attend the 1st lecture thanks to the Transport. But i did manage to catch up through Blackboard. I looked at the lecture notes, and on the basis of that i can say that i didn't miss much apart from setting up the blogger account, which i managed to create during that week.

The idea of making a blog is great, i use blogs to view some programs on the internet, but to create my own one is a new and exciting experience for me personally. I am looking forward to making my own blog and i hope it turns out well.

The course i have chosen and what i expect from it is hopefully a very good result. i am sure i am not the only one who wants the best from this course. But as i have got some work experience in the media side working in the BBC Sports News Section as a Broadcast Assistant. I worked in the BBC during the Summer Olympics in 2008 which took place in Beijing, China. There is a video link below.

My ambition in life has become to go into the Media Sector. But am not sure as yet of what part of media. I would love to Present, Work behind the scenes, Work for a Media Company (Advertising). After the 1st year of my degree i may choose to transfer to Advertising as it may help me in future in what i want to do and achieve in the world of Media.

Any comments on my first ever post or suggestions which may help me in the future. Please be free to post them.

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