Friday 16 October 2009

First Impressions

Hi there People, First Lecture which i missed due to the transport was also about First Impressions. First Impressions can be vital for an individual as it can be really spot on to what a person judges you as and it can really be misleading as well as one can completely misjudge a person on the first meeting.

The most common thing of how you judge a person on first meeting is mostly by looks, but that is being very stereotypical as looks can not tell you how the person is as a whole. Looks are just part of the outer personality, and not the inner person. But I think personality should be taken into consideration when judging some one on first impression.

Below are examples of Some famous celebrities who i admire and that is purely on first impression based on their personality. The first one being of Mahendra Singh Dhoni the Indian Cricket Team Captain, I have chosen this particular picture of him because a captain of a team always has the responsibility of a team and this picture shows that he is trying to manage so many things and his facial expressions also seem that he is about to give instructions to one of his team members.

The link below is of a little master who everyone calls Sachin Tendulkar, I started watching Cricket because due to his game and below is a link showing his record in the game. That shows that why i enjoy the sport is because of his performance in one of the games, so that shows first impressions do matter if judged properly.

Moving from Cricket to Footbal, the team i support is arsenal and the reason behind me supporting them is when i first watched there game the reason made me support them was the legend player Dennis Bergkamp.

One of the best movies i have seen is Collateral, i choose this movie because Tom Cruise is one of the best actors and thats based on his acting. Below is an image of the movie Collateral and a video link of his best movies Mission Impossible.

Shahrukh Khan has been my idol since i remember my childhood, he is the best actor in the Bollywood Industry. I say that because when i saw one of his earlier movies, his acting was so good that first impressions of him were completely wrong as i thought he was not that good enough to be an actor personality wise, but his acting proved my first impression of him wrong.

Any improvements or suggestions/comments on this particular post, please feel free to comment.

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