Sunday 10 January 2010

Enterprise Week

Hellooooooo guys, sorry about the long gap between my previous post and this one. But I am back and wish all of you a very Happy New Year.

Moving from one Festival of Christmas and New Year to something called Enterprise Festival. Basically at Bucks New Uni. Enterprise Festival or what us students called it (Enterprise Week) ran for 3 weeks from 9th November 2009 till 27th November 2009.

This event was a really good motivator for the students as each event had something in it to help the students in what they are doing or which could help them in future. The events which I was able to attend were 'Telling it Like it is' and 'Transmitting Information is easier than creating understanding'. The first one I mentioned was where ex-students came and spoke about what they are doing now and what have they achieved from doing there degree. It was really helpful because, this gave me personally a good chance to speak to those students after it was finished and get information of the companies they are working for and if in future can be doing work experience, overall a very helpful event this was. The second event I went to was a really good experience for me regarding my degree course as I am doing marketing and as I am interested in doing advertising management from my Second Year, this event really helped me as five people from different agencies came and had a question time debate with them, got lots and lots of information from these people from these agencies. Below are the names of the people and the agencies they are from and with the link to their agency's website also a picture of the person and the picture of the company's logo.

1.) Sue Elms - She is the Executive Vice President of Global Media Practice Millward Brown

2.) George Hutchinson - He is the Chair and Managing Director of Public Affairs for Burson-Marsteller UK

3.) Sue Unerman - She is the Chief Strategy Officer for MediaCom

4.) Matthew Chapman - He is the International Service and Systems Innovation Director for Billets

5.) Rik Haslam - He is the Group Creative Architect for WWV Rap

Moving on to what exactly happened in this particular event. There were loads of discussions, one of them being that over the past few years how communication has developed and straight away the most common mean of communication being the Internet was discussed and how it has taken over. I noted down some statistics which the panel discussed and they said that the researchers have shown that around about 80-85% of marketeers have stated that they use mobile marketing through the internet and the reason they give it as most people do that it is very easy to access.

A student from the third year did a presentation about how the use of Internet has increased. In his presentation he mentioned that around about three thousand and nine million adverts appear on the most famous internet search engine Google and listening to him give this fact it indicates how this mean of communication that is the internet has increased and is the most used and popular mean of communication all over the world.

Also looking at the notes I made on the day of this discussion, I remember that Sue Unerman (Chief Strategy Officer for MediaCom) mentioned about how the businesses will lose up to £10,000 by advertising online if the message they are trying to give is not clear enough and also if the advertisements are not targeted on the related websites.

In the second half of the discussion, Brands were discussed. Mostly every one in the panel said literally the same thing that what do customers want from a product, and the reply was that the customer want the value of a product and it should be of high quality no matter what the price or what ever brand it is. An example one of the panel member gave was on the branded chocolate (Cadbury) and the member said that this brand of chocolate adds value to its products and that is by ensuring that the brand adds a bit of fun and brings in more adventure for its customers. Also the experts in the panel made an important point by mentioning that something called a tight control brand is still working these days. An example to this the experts gave was of the packaging of the famous L'Oreal and they said that to most of the customers the packaging is not the most appealing factor but it still is a very popular brand.

At the end of this event, I really thought that discussions like these are really important for a student, it really was useful to me personally as it gave me a lot of main points that the experts spoke about on main things like Branding and the latest leader in Communication (Internet). These notes made on that day really helped me and hopefully the knowledge gained that day would really be useful in near future.

Finally the other events which I wanted to attend but were unable to attend were the Apprentice Challenge. The reason for not being able to be a part of it was that the group I wanted to participate with were not keen watchers of the Apprentice programme and me being the opposite am a fan of the programme so being part of a similar kind of event would have been great but oh well, there is always next time!

Also I wanted to be part of the 24 hour challenge in which the task was to make a tv advert. I was interested in that because during my GCSE's I was studying media and the students studying media, business or IT were to take part in an advert making competition and people from SKY TV came to our school and were gave us instructions that a 30 second advert as to be made promoting SKY Plus which at that time was something which came out new in the market. So my group winning that task made me want to do this 24 hour challenge to because I wanted to put my experience gained during the earlier experience into this, but the bad news was that during this I came down with Swine Flu and was unable to be part of it. Later on I found out from Ruth our lecturer that this challenge was not taking place because not a lot of people signed up for it. Hopefully events like this occur more in the uni and so can be part of it in future.

Once again any comments or feedback on this post, please feel free to comment.

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