Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Social Class

Hi there People, todays post is all about Social Class. In the lecture, there was a discussion about what Social Class is? How Social Class influences the purchases of people when they buy certain products?

Getting straight into the theory, Theorist called Krech (2000) gives his definiton of Social Class and he thinks Social Class is a where society is divided and made of people who possess some common characteristics of social life. Below is a video clip which explains about social class in children.

Social Class in todays generation is very affective, thats because what ever the people do in their daily life like a purchase or the way they dress is related to social class. They get judged by the way they appear or how they look, dress and act.

There are three main social classes. 1.) Upper Class, 2.) Middle Class and 3.) Lower Class. Below I am going to explain about these classes in detail.

1.) Upper Class - People who are from Upper Class are the ones who are loaded with lots and lots of money, if to have to say it one word, the word is RICH. Upper Class includes one of the oldest familes also given the title of aristocrats. Below is an advert which targets upper class familes even individuals. It is an advert of Virgin Atlantic upper class, so only who are upper class can afford the luxury shown in the advert.

2.) Middle Class - Middle Class is the type of class which consists of people from the industrialist background, business people, shop owners, also professionals working in other sectors in business. A true fact is that the majority of the Britain's population are middle class. Below is an advert of the new ford focus, which is a car targeted for familes who are from the middle class background.

3.) Lower Class - People from Lower class are just opposites to what Upper Class people are. Lower Class people do not have a high flying budget, they live on a very low and minimal budget for there daily life routine. Factory workers, Mine workers even farmers come under this category. Below is an advert of Morrisons which has Richard Hammond in it. I have chosen this particular advert as a lot of lower class families go and shop in Morrisons.

Social Class is influenced by an important factor called income, this is because if some one has a higher income, it will be considered as that that individual comes from an upper class background (Rich Family). Whereas if some one's income was low, it will be considered that the individual is from a lower class background (low income family). But there is a fact that incomes are rising due to the women are making there way up to working and has seen a rise in working women and also increase of graduates mean increase of graduate jobs.

Being in a job (Occupation) also is part of social class. This is because, say for example if some one is in an occupation of a lawyer or a doctor it will be considered that they are earning lots of money so are considered upper class. Whereas if someone's occupation is a cleaner or some one in the labour market they will be considered to be lower class due to the low pay they get.

Education is a main factor which is part of social class. This is because some one graduating from Oxford or Cambridge would be considered or judged as an Upper Class background, whereas some one who goes to an average university will be considered to be coming from a Middle Class background and if some one is unable to attend to a university that reason would be that the family or the individual is unable to finance its own funds to have a good education will be considered to be from a Lower Class Background.

These Social classes further break down into some more groups. They are as follows:

1.) A - contains upper class people

2.) B - contains middle class people

3.) C1 - contains lower middle class people

4.) C2 - contains skilled working class people

5.) D - contains working class people

6.) E - contains lower class people

This is a good idea to break down the three social classes and it shows that middle class dominates with the majority of the group compared to the other classes. By this type of grouping, it would be easier for the marketeers to advertise and target the products to the different type of classes.

There are lots of positives for Social Class with its groupings, but it also has its criticisms. One of the criticism is that it is not equal, as all the three classes are not considered equal so marketeers when advertising will have to target each class differently. But on the other hand it is possible that some one from a middle class or lower class background can be working in a high paid job, so the level of inconsitency shows in social class too. In my personal view people should not be judges by there social classes as some one from a lower class should not be looked down at as he or she may have the skill to go up one day and similar for the upper class people as they can have a bad time and can come to a low budget as well, so no matter what class you are people should not treat classes differently as at the end of the day they are all one that is human!

Any feedback on this post, please feel free to comment or suggest anything.

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