Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Hello every one once again, hope you all are well? Today's topic is on Values. It is said that there are many different types of meanings for this one word value. Value to me is something which you treasure or which is very close to you and you don't want to get rid of it. It can be materialistic and at the same time it could be something which your elders have given you like teachings or even upbringing. That is my personal take on value.

But a theorist called Wilkie has its own definition of value he states "Values are our ideas about what is desirable". In simple words he is trying to say that values are our ideas which we think are desirable or precious to us.

For us people Value is very important, why? This is because it will tell them how they act and see themselves as individuals. The good thing about Value is that it makes people's positives that's like if there happiness and personal possessions on a high and negative things like depression and anxiety on a low.

Solomon said that values are a very important in a person's daily activities as many products or services are purchased by people because they believe it will help them get a valued product.

When had a lecture on values our lecturer discussed the Kathle's list of values (1983). There were nine of them: 1.) Self-respect, 2.) Being Well Respected, 3.) Self-fulfilment, 4.) Sense of accomplishment, 5.) Excitement, 6.) Security, 7.) Fun and Enjoyment, 8.) Sense of Belonging and 9.) Warm relationship with others. After that were asked to put the list in order in which four suits our life style.

The four which I put were:
1.) Self Respect - As I have self respect and I don't think will ever lose that that is due to the values I have been given by my elders.
2.) Fun and Enjoyment - This is because I am a fun and loving person, I enjoy life to the full and so Fun and Enjoyment is part of my values.
3.) Warm relationship with others - This is because, whether it is my friends or family or even some one I have just met, I will be polite to them and greet them or speak to them in a very warm and polite way. This way will never lose my self respect and will gain more respect from others due to this kind behaviour.
4.) Sense of Belonging - I think this is also important for me in my life style as I am very true to my friends and family as in I never ever back out if they need me, if they require help with anything I am there and belong where I am needed.

Below is a video of an advert on Thinkbox TV. I have chosen this ad because, the guy is in a trance and is thinking of what is in his memory and what he values, he values his new think box tv in which all channels are included so this shows to the consumer that if he or she gets that then you would not miss anything.

Any Comments on this post please feel free to comment. Until then see you all next time.